Download data from the AnnoLog logger

Download data from the AnnoLog logger

Aim: To download data from the AnnoLog for a status update.

  1. Log into the BrightSentinel mobile app.
  2. Tap on Download from the menu.

Select the Site

Depending on your role in the BrightSentinel system, you may have access to several Sites in your grouped account. Otherwise, you have access only to your designated Site.

Access multiple Sites

  1. Click on the caret to expand the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the applicable Site name. You are presented with all the AnnoLog loggers registered to the Site or within range of your phone.
Only Account Administrators and Site Administrators are able to access multiple Sites within their account group.

Access a single Site

When you have access to a single Site,  the Site selection drop-down box is not shown.

Only the AnnoLog loggers assigned to your Site or within range of your phone will be "Found".

Scan for AnnoLog loggers in range

Devices are scanned automatically when the Download page is opened and times-out after the last device within range is found.

Summary of transmission and activity status

The top status indicates whether the AnnoLog is within Bluetooth transmission range.
  1. Found
  2. Not found

Summary of activity status

The bottom status indicates the most recent activity of the AnnoLog. 
Only loggers with a "Found" and "Running" or "Ended" status are downloaded.

For more detailed explanation of Transmission Status and Running Status, refer to this article.

If the AnnoLog you wish to download has the status "Not Found" after the initial scan, then scan again. 
  1. Click the scan button.
The sequence of scanning messages presented is:
1. Scanning - When scanning starts and before any devices are found.
2. Scanning for devices - As it identifies devices.
3. Scaning. Found n of n devices - When scanning is in progress. 
4. Scanning ended. No devices found - When scanning is ended and no devices have been found.
5. Scanning ended. Found n of n devices - When scanning is ended and some or all possible devices have been found.
You may have to move closer into range or ensure the AnnoLog is not enclosed in a metal object if scanning is not successful.

Download AnnoLogs

You can download the AnnoLogs when all the devices are "Found" or as "Found" ones are scanned in batches.

  1. Click the Download button
The sequence of downloading messages presented is:
1.  Downloading - When scanning starts and before the connection to the first device is completed.
2.  Downloading n of n devices AL-NNNNN - As download progresses, the number of devices and the serial number of the current device being downloaded is shown.
3.  Download ended. Downloaded n of n devices - When download is ended, shows the number of devices that were successful downloaded.
4.  No devices to download. All available devices have been downloaded - When all devices at the site are downloaded.

Stop download

You may decide to stop the data download while it is progressing.

  1. Click on Stop Download.
Download stops once the device currently being downloaded is completed.
To return to the Configure Device page, 

  1. Click the back arrow at the top of the page.

Uploaded data is not visible in the Cloud

Sometimes you may have downloaded your data but the latest uploads are not presented in the Cloud. 
This is likely due to the connection between the mobile app and the Cloud being disrupted. The data is held on the mobile app until the Cloud acknowledges that the data has been received.
To refresh the data upload, go to the Configure page, tap the screen and drag downward. A small refresh icon will appear and will spin while the update is done.

All done!

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