Configure the AnnoLog logger

Configure the AnnoLog logger

Aim: Prepare an AnnoLog logger to start its temperature monitoring. 
  1. Log into the BrightSentinel app.
  2. Tap on Configure from the menu

The AnnoLogs with an "Active" status in your account, in the Devices section in the BrightSentinel Cloud, are visible and accessible in the BrightSentinel App.  

Select the Site

Depending on your role in the BrightSentinel system, you may have access to several Sites in your grouped account. Otherwise, you have access only to your designated Site.

Access multiple Sites

  1. Click on the caret to expand the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the applicable Site name. You are presented with all the AnnoLog loggers registered to the Site or within range of your phone.
Only Account Administrators and Site Administrators are able to access multiple Sites within their account group.

Access a single Site

When you have access to a single Site,  the Site selection drop-down box is not shown.
Only the AnnoLog loggers assigned to your Site or within range of your phone will be visible.

Select the AnnoLog

Devices are scanned automatically when the Configure page is opened and times-out after the last device connection is found.

Summary of transmission status

The top status indicates whether the AnnoLog is within Bluetooth transmission range.
  1. Found
  2. Not found

Summary of activity status

The bottom status indicates the most recent activity of the AnnoLog and whether it is available for configuration.
  1. New
  2. Awaiting Start
  3. Running
  4. Not Running
  5. Ended
  6. Recently downloaded
  7. Expired
For more detailed explanation of Transmission Status and Running Status, refer to this article. 

If the AnnoLog you wish to configure has the status "Not Found" after the initial scan, then scan again. 
  1. Click on the scan button.
The sequence of messages presented is:
1. Scanning - When scanning starts and before any devices are found.
2. Scaning. Found n of n devices - When scanning is in progress. 
3. Scanning ended. No devices found - When scanning is ended and no devices have been found.
4. Scanning ended. Found n of n devices - When scanning is ended and some or all possible devices have been found.
You may have to move closer into range or ensure the AnnoLog is not enclosed in a metal object if scanning is not successful.
  1. Once located, click on the applicable AnnoLog. This opens the Configure Device page for you to complete the configuration steps. 

Assign the Equipment Group

  1. Check that you are selecting the correct Annolog by comparing the Device ID in the app with the unique ID etched on the AnnoLog
  2. Click on Equipment Group to lock in the applicable configuration parameters.

The configuration parameters of each Equipment Group are set up in the BrightSentinel Cloud. For more information, refer to this article. 
When you make changes to these parameters in the BrightSentienl Cloud, don't forget to re-configure the AnnoLogs if you want them to have the updated parameters.
You can view the details on the BrightSentinel mobile app.

  1. Click on Show Configuration Parameters to reveal the details.
  2. Click on Hide Configuration Parameters to hide these details.

Select the Equipment

The next step is to pair the AnnoLog with the Equipment it will be monitoring.

  1. Click on Equipment Item to select the applicable Equipment from the drop-down menu.
The active list of Equipment (or processes) to be monitored are maintained in the BrightSentinel Cloud. For more information, refer to this article. 
Only Equipment already associated with the Equipment Group on the BrightSentinel Cloud are presented.

Record the location

If you have multiple loggers monitoring one equipment (e.g.: a heated stage, wells of incubators, etc...), it is a good idea to keep note of the exact position where the AnnoLog collected data to more readily identify anomalies.

  1. Record the position of the AnnoLog in its environment (e.g. Left, Right, etc...). Maximum 32 characters. This is required to complete configuration.
 If you you click the Configure button but leave the Position field empty, the reminder message is:
The device is ready to configure. Please enter the Position.

Specify the monitoring period 

You can re-configure the AnnoLog throughout its subscription period. Several factors impact on its monitoring timeframe.

Rollover or no rollover

The configuration parameter setup of each Equipment Group includes a "rollover" parameter. For more information, refer to this article. 
  1. When "rollover" is selected, the AnnoLog runs continuously until the end of its subscription period or until the configuration is stopped. The AnnoLog stores 6,000 readings. When the logger is full, the earliest data collected is overriden by the new data.
  2. When "rollover" is not selected, the AnnoLog stops once it is full. 

Reading time slots

The AnnoLog collects readings on a defined time slot, based on the premise that an hour must be evenly divisible by the interval selected for the Equipment Group. For more information, refer to this article. 
This ensures that all AnnoLog loggers in your environment can be seamlessly matched on a timeline.
  1. You are configuring an AnnoLog at 8.37, the reading interval is 10 minutes and you want it to start straight away (i.e.: no start delay). This means that the first reading is collected at 8.10, 8.20, 8.30, etc... or 60/10 minutes = 6 readings per hour.
  2. You are configuring an AnnoLog at 9.32, the reading interval is 3 minutes and you want it to start straight away (i.e.: no start delay). This means that the first reading is collected at 9.33, 9.36, 9.39, etc... or 60/3 minutes = 20 readings per hour.
  3. A reading interval of 7 minutes is not permitted as it is not evenly divisible into 60 minutes.

Delayed start time

The AnnoLog is configured to start at the next reading time slot (based on the reading interval) or at a scheduled time in the future.

Defined end date/time

The end time can also be specified. When the scheduled date/time is reached, the AnnoLog stops. The BrightSentinel  mobile app will remind you of any data that has not been downloaded.
If the end time is not specified, the end time is set to be the expiry date of the subscription.

Remaining subscription time

The AnnoLog is included in the BrightSentinel annual susbcription service.
The subscription period starts on activation of the AnnoLog and expires 12 months hence. 
Don't worry, the system keeps track of the expiry date and the settings you define. It keeps you posted with messages during configuration.

Set the Start/End time

Every "running" logger has a defined timeframe. 
You may decide for the AnnoLog to start with no delay or to start some time in the future (i.e.: delay start).

  1. Start Date and Time - Specify the start date and time. 
If you enter a start time after the end time, the start time is automatically set to before the end time and the message is:
Start date and time must be before end date and time.

If you adjust the start time but you do not adjust the end time, and rollover is not enabled, the end time is automatically set to when the AnnoLog reaches its full capacity (6000 readings) and the message is:
The end date and time has been set to maximum logging duration.

  1. End Date and Time - Specify the end date and time
If you set the end time before the start time, the end time is automatically set to after the start time and the message is:
The end time must be after the start date and time.

If you try to set the end time beyond the maximum running time for the logger, and rollover is not enabled, the end time is automatically adjusted back to the to the end time when the AnnoLog reaches its full capacity (6000 readings) and the message is:
The end time may not be after the maximum running time without rollover.

If you set the end time beyond the AnnoLog's subscription expiry date, the end time is automatically set to the device expiry and the message is:
The end time may not be after the device expiry.

Automatically group AnnoLogs

When up to 8 AnnoLogs are configured for the same Equipment Group, with a 24-hour period, they are automatically saved as a group to facilitate analysis.
These devices are grouped and presented on a grouped graph in BrightSentinel Cloud.
If more than 8 AnnoLogs are configured as above, new groupings of 8 devices are automatically created.

Download data before re-configure

When an AnnoLog is reassigned, data accumulated in the device but not yet downloaded needs to be finalised. Some instances are:
  1. The previous configuration was for a specified timeframe and stopped when the end date/time occurred.
  2. The configuration parameters did not permit "rollover" and the logger stopped when it reached maximum data capacity.
  3. You decide to re-configure a "running" logger to assign it to another job.
  4. You decide to stop a "running" logger (active or with a delayed start) as the monitoring is no longer required.
When you log into the BrightSentinel app, the system scans and highlights the AnnoLog loggers available for download.
If you go directly to the Configure page to re-configure an AnnoLog before download its data, you will be reminded to first download the data before completing the new configuration.
Follow the prompts, notice that the action of the button changes with the messages.

If the logger is "not running" but still contains data that has not been downloaded, you need to download the data before configuring the logger again. In this case, the message is:
The device still contains data. Please download before configuring.

When you want to stop a "running" AnnoLog to be used at a later date or for reconfiguration, the message is:.
The device is running. Please stop and download before configuring.

If you wish to cancel the current configuration of a delayed start AnnoLog, that has not yet started, with a new configuration setting, the message is: 
The device has not yet started. Do you want to cancel the existing configuration?
Once cancelled, the message is:
The previous configuration has been cancelled.

Don't be concerned that your configuration efforts are being hijacked by a request to download the AnnoLog first.
The new configuration parameters you have already selected will not be affected.
Follow the prompts and the system will download the old data and then complete the new configuration.

Complete configuration

Once all the configuration parameters are captured and no accumulated data needs to be donwloaded,or to be reconfigured the message presented is: "The device is ready to configure"

  1. Click the Configure button.
A successful configuration message sequence is:
  1. This device is ready to configure
  2. Configuring device
  3. Configuration was successful

Configuration may fail if the Bluetooth connection is lost:
Configuration failed. Please try again.

  1. to return to the Configure Device page, click on the Back button or click on the back arrow at the top of the page.

All done!

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