What is BrightSentinel's subscription period for the service?
Each subscription lasts 12 months from the date you start using the calibrated logger.
Prior to expiry of your annual subscription, you renew your subscription. We send you a new logger freshly calibrated, with its Calibration Certificate, and you continue using the service for the year.
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Is there a trial period for the BrightSentinel service?
We do not have a trial period, as you require at least one logger to use the service. We recommend that you purchase 2 subscriptions (i.e.: 2 loggers) to explore the service, without being rushed and with our full support .
What is the difference between a recalibration service and the BrightSentinel subscription service?
Generally, re-calibration of a device to ISO17025 requires sending the device to an external laboratory, resulting in additional administration and downtime. The BrightSentinel subscription service includes the annual replacement of the devices, all ...
What happens to the AnnoLog-Life logger at the end of the subscription period?
The AnnoLog-Life is retired at the end of the subscription period. Please dispose of it as you would a battery or return it to BrightSentinel for careful disposal.
What does a subscription include?
The annual subscription includes: A calibrated AnnoLog logger; Its unique Calibration Certificate, with measurements at: 0, 25°C, 37.5°C and 50°C, and an uncertainty of measurement of ±0.05ºC; Access to the BrightSentinel Cloud service for analysis, ...
Does BrightSentinel provide calibration services only?
Rather than offer calibration services only, BrightSentinel provides an all-in-one subscription service that simplifies the adoption of precise and continuous temperature monitoring.