Review the data

Review the data

Aim: To use the chart and table to quickly review monitoiring data for continuous improvement.

Three views of the temperature monitoring data

The BrightSentinel Cloud provides 3 views: The Missions view, the Alerts view and the Details view.

Missions view

The Missions view provides an overview of the deployment aspects of the mission; such as: The type and number of devices used, current activity status and period of monitoring.
  1. To narrow down the selection, apply filters by selecting the appropriate information from the drop-down menus.
  2. To sort the data in a column, click on the header of the column to sort in alphabetical, numerical or date order. 
  3. To drill-down to the Details view, click anywhere on a record line. 

Alerts view

The Alerts view focusses on the status of missions, the number of temperature excursion alerts over the life of the mission and whether the alerts have been acknowledged.
This is the default view when you log into BrightSentinel Cloud.

A red alert indicates that, in this case, 5 excursion events have occurred over the life of the mission to date and that none have been acknowledged.

A green alert indicates that, in this case, 14 excursions have occurred over the life of the mission to date and that all alerts have been acknowledged.
  1. To view a detailed history of of the alert temperature excursions, click on the alert icon next to the mission .
  2. To sort the data in a column, click on the header of the column to sort in alphabetical, numerical or date order.
  3. To drill-down to the Details view, click anywhere on a record line. 

Mission details view

The mission details view presents all the key information of the mission and its alerts, if any, so that you can quickly identify anomalies without having to click and search in different sections of the website.
There are 5 sections:
  1. Details - The name of the Site, who created the mission, monitoring period and last download date.
  2. Settings - Indicates the key operating parameters used for the mission.
  3. Alerts - Details of the alertsof the mission and acknowledgement notes and status.
  4. Devices - Details specific to the devices, such as: Device ID, status of the device, number of reads and when the devices were last downloaded..
  5. Chart - A visual graphical summary (also in tabular format) of the data recorded for a mission, together with the high and low limits set.  

The chart is limited to 8 devices to ensure that it does not become too crowded and messy.

Change mission name

When a new mission is created, the system automatically creates a default name based on the name of the Equipment Group selected and the start date of the mission.
If you wish to enter a more meaningful mission name:
  1. Click the Edit Mission Name button
  2. Enter a new name in the pop-up screen
  3. Click OK

Visual display of the data

As you accumulate temperature data from your missions, the data is stored in BrightSentinel Cloud and you can view the data in graphical or tabular format.


You have some flexibility about how to group and display the data for comparison.
Some examples are:
  1. Display the data from a logger assigned to a specific equipment - Portable fridge.
  2. Display the data related to a group of equipment in a location: Fridges on floor X.
  3. Display the data from a group of loggers that are monitoring various locations within an equipment or space concurrently: Multiple wells of an incubator, heated stages, train carriage.
For continuous monitoring, data is added to the timeline. Scroll along the time-series of a graph with your mouse, the recorded reading and date/time is presented, which is handy when something looks really odd!

See the image below for more tips on how to use the chart section; such as:
  1. Zoom in
  2. View a specific period of the chart
  3. Convert from chart to table view 
  4. Print and export a chart


To convert from chart to table view,  click the Show Grid button (top right-hand corner).
  1. The table displays the data for each mission based on the set reading intervals for the Equipment Group.
  2. Readings that exceed the upper limit are shown in red and readings below the lower limit are shown in blue.
  3. Export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

All done!