Create a New Equipment or Activity Group

Create a New Equipment or Activity Group

Aim: To define a distinct group of equipment or activities that have the same monitoirng parameters for quality management insights. 

This simplifies the configuring of the loggers as users are able to quickly select the applicable equipment or activity group and minimise potential data entry errors.

Access Site Administration

  1. Click on on Administration.
  2. Select Site Administration.
Only Account Administrators and Site Administrators are able to access the Administration view.

Create a new Equipment or Activity Group

  1.  Select the Site from the site hierarchy.
  2. Click on the Equipment Group tab.
  3. Click on +New Equipment Group
The Create New Equipment Group pop-up is presented.

  1. Group Name - Enter a name that distinctly reflects the equipment or process to be monitored.
Typically, labs use equipment type as the classification for Equipment Groups (i.e.: Benchtop incubators, heated stages, refrigerators, etc.) as they have distinct monitoring requirements.
  1. Status - Select "Active"  from the dropdown field to make this Equipment Group available for selection when configuring the temperature loggers.
  1. Click Save.

Define Monitoring Rules for the new Equipment Group

The Equipment Group and Rules page is where you define the monitoring rules that apply to this specific group. 
From this view, you set those parameters by updating the list of rules presented.

Set the logging interval 

Readings are set based on a defined time slot whereby an hour must be evenly divisible by the interval selected for the Equipment Group. 
This ensures that all loggers in your environment can be seamlessly matched on a timeline.
  1. For a reading interval of 10 minutes,  the first reading will be collected on the 10 minute timeslot and repeat every 10 minutes hence - 60/10 minutes = 6 readings per hour.
  2. For a reading interval of 3 minutes, the first reading will be collected at the 3 minute timeslot and repeat every 3 minutes hence - 60/3 minutes = 20 readings per hour.
  3. A reading interval of 7 minutes is not permitted as it is not evenly divisible into 60 minutes.
  1. Click Edit next to "Logging interval"
  1. Enter a value in minutes (whole numbers).
When the logging interval is less than 3 minutes, the rollover function (see below) is automatically set to “No” to ensure that the battery of the logger is not depleted unintentionally.
  1. Click Save.

Rollover – Yes or No?

Rollover defines how the data is stored in the logger, which in turn affects how long the logger runs.
  1. When "rollover" is selected, the logger runs continuously until the end of its subscription period or until the configuration is stopped. When the logger is full, the earliest data collected is overriden by the new data.
  2. When "rollover" is not selected, the logger stops once it is full. 

  1. Click Edit next to “Rollover".
  1. Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu.
    1. When Yes is selected, the system overwrites the earliest readings of the logger when it reaches full capacity.
    2. When No is selected, the system instructs the logger to stop recording when it is full.
Rollover is not permitted for logging intervals of less than 3 minutes. In this case, once the logger has reached its maximum storage capacity, it stops recording.
  1. Click Save.
The AnnoLog loggers store a maximum of 6000 readings, equating to 6 weeks of readings at 10-minute logging intervals.
The T+ Buttons store a maximum of 4096 readings, which equates to 4 weeks of readings at 10-minute logging intervals.

Set the lower temperature limit for temperature excursions

The lower temperature limit is the minimum permitted temperature to flag that temperature readings below this level require review.

  1. Click Edit next to “Temperature Low Limit”.
  2. Enter the applicable value.
  3. Click Save.

Set the upper temperature limit for temperature excursions

The upper temperature limit is the maximum permitted temperature to flag that temperature readings above this level require review.

  1. Click Edit next to “Temperature High Limit”.
  2. Enter the applicable value.
  3. Click Save.

Set lower temperature excursion limit alert notification 

You may wish to receive an alert only when a temperature reading is recorded below the lower limit continuously for more than X number of minutes.
By specifying a "logging interval" of 10 minutes and a "temperature Permitted Consecutive Below Limit” of 30 minutes, it will take 3 (30/10) consecutive readings below the low limit before an alert is generated.
If you wish to receive an alert based on each actual reading, enter the value equal to the reading interval. In this example: 10 minutes.
  1. Click Edit next to “Temperature Permitted Consecutive Below Limit".

  1. Enter the number of minutes - This number is a multiple of the logging interval.
  2. Click Save.

Set upper temperature excursion limit alert notification

You may wish to receive an alert only when a temperature reading is recorded above the upper limit continuously for more than X number of minutes.
By specifying a "logging interval" of 5 minutes and a "temperature Permitted Consecutive Above Limit” of 15 minutes, it will take 3 (15/5) consecutive readings below the low limit before an alert is generated.
If you wish to receive an alert based on each actual reading, enter the value equal to the reading interval. In this example: 5 minutes.
  1. Click Edit next to “Temperature Permitted Consecutive Above Limit".

  1. Enter the number of minutes - This number is a multiple of the logging interval.
  2. Click Save.

Disable the alert function? 

  1. Click Edit next to “Disable Alerts”

  1. Select Yes or No.
  2. Click Save.

On completion, all your settings for the Equipment Group are presented.

  1. You have finished setting up the parameters for this specific Equipment Group.
  2. To exit the "Equipment Group and Rules" view,  click on the back arrow (orange icon above the blue bar) to go back to Site Administration.

  1. The new Equipment Group is list for the Site.
For quick reference, notice that the icon next to the Equipment Group Name is green when "active" and grey when "inactive".

All done!

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